Do you want 2024 to be your million dollar year!?

Grab the exact business blueprint online coaches are using to scale to millions...


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Do you want 2024 to be your million dollar year!?

Grab the exact business blueprint online coaches are using to scale to millions...


{Special offer save 67% - usually $297}

Grab the step-by-step 47-page blueprint where I’m breaking down the winning formula myself & my students used to grow through millions in sales online (I wish I’d had a roadmap like this when I was building my million dollar business)


I’m inviting you to stop trying to figure it all out alone so you can move more easily towards making millions in your business 😎

The only catch? 

What got you to your current level of success WILL NOT get you to your next level. 

You’re going to have to be open to shifting your thinking, welcoming new perspectives, and being willing to make fast changes if you want to get big results.  

Picture this with me for a second…

It's 2024 and you're at your favorite mastermind retreat with your peers and mentors, in a beautiful luxury setting, all sharing knowledge, what's working, and your results. 

But instead of just hanging back and wishing you were one of the big players in the room, and feeling a pit in your stomach because you feel like you're nowhere near reaching your potential... 

You're able to stand proud and accomplished amongst your peers, knowing you've really done your best, toasting to your success, and celebrating your breakthrough to millions  

You didn’t keep pushing harder - hoping something finally works to the scale you want it to...

You didn’t keep questioning why other coaches have broken through to millions while you’re still trying...

You didn’t launch a gazillion new offers. 

And you didn’t even do it exactly the way your mentor did it - you broke through to millions YOUR way...

Sound relieving? Exciting? Like freedom? FUN?!

Here's some of the adventures we've been able to create together as our students scale through millions...

 Luxury retreats in places like Barbados, Dubai, Los Angeles, Sardinia, & Cape Town

 Intimate community events for our mastermind groups to workshop together 

 Big 300+ live in person events to help you access your next level of success

Remember: It doesn't have to be difficult for it to be effective... 

(and it doesn't have to be boring either!) 

But you do need a proven roadmap to follow...

Results like these could be yours...

Ready to see how it all works? 

Grab the proven business blueprint now so you can

The instant access roadmap for committed high-level coaches who want to finally break through to their first (or next) million online 


Grab the step-by-step blueprint where I’m breaking down the winning formula myself & my students have used to grow through millions in sales online (I wish I’d had a roadmap like this when I was building my million dollar business)

Breakthrough To Millions isn’t your average plan that just prescribes you to one “best” new idea or way of doing things…

When you grab the instant access business blueprint you’ve already stepped into your next level of success by choosing to discover MORE ways to millions… 

We’re opening up your heart and mind to doing business in a way that feels great for you, which follows a proven framework...

AND honors both the season you’re in, your personal strengths, and your unique vision and version of success.

Whether you’ve never made a solid effort to make your first or next million, never created a 100K month, had a launch or a campaign that “failed”, or you just need to see how this all works to believe it’s even possible for you…

You’ll learn the proven 8-step "MILLIONS" framework... 

This is the EXACT framework my students and I used to scale our memberships, masterminds, online courses, live events, retreats, challenges, webinars and workshops (I could go on!) through millions... 

WITHOUT winding up overwhelmed, burned out, and hating your life and business in the process.

PLUS... You're getting: 

🚀 The exact 8 steps you can take to breakthrough to millions in your online business 

🚀 Which pitfalls to avoid on your journey - and how you can learn from my mistakes so you don’t make them too! 

🚀 How to break through to your next phase of growth - and what you need to do differently to make that happen 

AND... how to do it all in a way that’s fun, easy, and aligns with your life and business so you’re just as excited for your life as you are for your bank balance. 

Who Is Niyc Pidgeon?

As a leading online business coach, motivational speaker, and positive psychologist, Niyc is obsessed with empowering women to transcend their perceived limitations and create more joy, personal power, and Unstoppable Success within themselves and their businesses. 

She is a sales queen, and has sold tens of millions of dollars worth of programs and products from the stage, online, and on the phone, making her first $100,000 in 100 days, using her suitcase as a desk, and building multiple million dollar revenue streams. 

Now she teaches you how you can do that too, and make million dollar years, million dollar months, and million dollar living your new normal. 

Niyc is a Brit based in Los Angeles, and proudly travels the world to speak on big stages and run her own live events, won Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2015, Psychology Book Of The Year 2017, and Most Outstanding Positive Psychologist 2018. 
International Speaker | Leading  Business Mentor | Award Winning Positive Psychologist MSc BSc IPPA
Best Selling Hay House Author & Speaker | Triple Certified High Performance & Success Coach 
She is on a mission to help a million humans change their lives through entrepreneurship, coaching, and positive psychology, and is fascinated by the exploration of what it is that commonly stops people - and what it truly takes to become Unstoppable.

Niyc has been featured in numerous mainstream media, named as a “Legendary Entrepreneur” in Forbes, and her award winning and best selling book Now Is Your Chance, is a 30-Day Guide To Living Your Happiest Life Using Positive Psychology, is published with the world’s largest mind body and spirit publisher Hay House. She is now working on her next title, a positive psychology informed approach for suicide prevention. 
Grab The Breakthrough To Millions Business Blueprint Now
Let Me Show You Exactly How You Can Break Through To Millions In Your Online Business With This Proven Step-By-Step Roadmap
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